Meaningful and Custom Experiences
You can choose whichever cause is closest to your heart and we can customize an experience for you.
““Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.”
Representative Experiences
Though you likely have your own causes that speak to you, here are a few examples of experiences we've worked with clients to design.
A group consisting of 35 families came together to form a giving circle. The giving circle decided that it wished to fund programs in Israel that deal with Hunger, Programs for Individuals with Special Needs, Programs for Israeli Arabs and Jews: Encouraging Tolerance and Understanding, and Vocational Training and Economic Development for At Risk Populations. The group decided that the best way to really learn about the organizations they have funded or wish to fund was to see them in person and thus arranged their first “giving circle mission” to Israel. Interaction with charitable projects woven throughout their journey provided an Israel travel experience they had never had before – even those who had been to Israel multiple times in the past! They got to spend time, learn, and appreciate the work they are doing to help the organizations they are funding, all while having a fun time traveling together.
In order to celebrate the bat mitzvah of their daughter, a family decided to do a “mitzvah mission” to Israel. Among other projects, they visited with a children’s home in Kiryat Gat (located in the northern Negev) and spent a day there. The children who live in this home live there by court order as their own homes are not suitable for them to live. The family worked with the kids, shared a Passover seder with them, and really got to know the kids one on one. They took a short trip with a few of the kids in the area so they could learn a bit more about the region where the kids were living. As a result of this experience, the family remained involved with this children’s home for years afterward.
A family who had been to Israel many times and that is very philanthropically oriented had not spent a lot of time with the organizations they fund. On a recent trip to Israel they worked with a group that focuses on a two way experience – at risk youth have an opportunity to give back to the community by packing food packages for families in need. In this instance, the kids who were packing the food lived in a children’s home. It was amazing as these kids, who don’t live in their own homes due to family problems, commented on how amazing they felt by being able to provide Shabbat meals for families in need. The donor family was so taken by the experience that they decided to increase their giving to both the children’s home and the organization that distributes the food packages.
A group on a tour to Israel had the opportunity to meet Lone Soldiers who are serving in the IDF These ambitious young soldiers made Aliya (immigrated) on their own for the sole purpose of volunteering in the Israeli army. They took part in an open discussion with the kind soldiers, were free to ask them questions and get to know their story from up close. This encounter is part of the Lone Soldier Empowerment program, that supports Lone Soldiers after they finish their army service and helps them integrate into Israeli society. They also had the opportunity to engage with the soldiers on a fun scavenger hunt activity.